Behavior Plan

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My classroom behavior plan is based on Lee Canter's Assertive Discipline model.  This model is comprised of three parts: rules, consequences, and positive recognition.  These are detailed below.  If you have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to talk to me about it.

Classroom Rules

1.  Follow directions.

2.  Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.

3.  Do not leave the room without permission.

4.  No severe behavior (teasing, yelling, swearing or fighting).



1.  Warning

2.  Lose 5 minutes of recess

3.  Lose 10 minutes at recess

4.  Notify parents.

Severe behavior - sent to principal; contact parents.


Positive Recognition

1.  Praise

2.  Classwide rewards

3.  Behavior awards

4.  Tangible rewards